Emile Poirot

Data on Resident
Emile Poirot is Not Available to Talk

D.O.B.: 2/19/1985
Nationality: French American
Occupation: Tanker Current Assignment: AMX.M4mle-45

Employer: 201st Tank Battalion on 2 shift
Description: Human, Male, White, Hair;, Eyes;, Build;, Height;, Weight;lb, Zodiac;, Traits;
Story Details:
Address: $A$2
Vehicles: NO-V-18
Assignment Records:
Recruited on Sat 11.01.2014
Assigned the BDR.G1-B on 11.01.2014
Served in the BDR.G1-B until 11.04.2014
Assigned the ARL.44 on 11.04.2014
Served in the ARL.44 until Wed 11.26.2014
Assigned the ARL.44 on 12.29.2014
Served in the ARL.44 until Fri 01.09.2015
Assigned the ARL.44 on 02.14.2015
Served in the ARL.44 until Sun 02.22.2015
Assigned the AMX.M4mle-45 on 03.13.2015